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Paintings in oil / acrylic / mixed media / Collages
Wentworth Falls Lake (oil on canvas), 70 x 110 cm (sold)

Butterfly U$ 200
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Jamieson Valley [from left] 1, 2, 3 & 4 [below] (oil on canvas), all 34 x 34 cm / $ 640

Blue Mountains Gums (oil on canvas), c 45 x 65 cm / $ 1200
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Katoomba (oil on canvas) , 96 x 71 cm / $ 2400 - - - - - - - - The End (oil on canvas) , 105 x 155 cm / $ 1500
Inside Outside (oil & acrylic on canvas), 73 x 73 cm / $ 940 canvas)
Fishing (mixed media), 40 x 45 cm / $ 500

Christian Cross (oil & acrylic on canvas) , 180 x 120 cm / $ 3000
Max Howe Gallery of Paintings
For inquiries please refer to catalogue number / title
ph: AU
61 (0)2 4782 2727
Cat No. 001 Cat No. "water"

Cat No. 002
Cat No. 022

"Voodoo 1"

Cat No. "Forest" Cat No. "Jan Riske"

Cat No. 064 Cat No. 063

Cat No. 104

Cat No. 003

Cat No. 464 Cat No. 465

Cat No. 134

Cat No. 476

Cat No. 477

Cat No. 526

Cat No. 525
Cat No.688 Cat No. 690

Cat No. 835 Cat No. (detail of 835)
Cat No. 959
Note by the web designer:
Max Howe lives and is born in Australia.
His early training was in boat building and he worked on the Sydney wharfs.
Painting was an obsession of his and he decided to complete his tertiary education and study fine arts.
Subsequently he taught art at Plumpton High and Katoomba High before renovation a dilapidated workshop and turn it into "Loumax Gallery" between Leura and Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. Work included floor reconstruction, installing inside walls, lights, toilets, designing a garden and an open air space (the google earth photo pictures Max standing on a high ladder painting the outside of the gallery).
Once completed the gallery was sold and renamed "Nolan on Lovel".
Max finally dedicates his time to painting when not sculpting his own garden.
mail Max Howe