J.S. Bach – cello Suite No 1 for solo guitar (D maj)

As a cellist, who has played the Suites for decades, I sometimes imagined or hummed bass notes, which you can't reach on the cello - imagining certain harmonies.
With arrangements by guitarists, who didn't play the Suite on cello, it seems they don't hear that.

- Bach himself arranged cello Suite No 5 for lute - as lute Suite No 3 - giving us an example of how he himself went about when adding accompaniment notes - and he certainly did!
- In the arrangement here, I also transferred some cello bow slurs to the guitar - e.g. in the Gigue - when I found it brings the intended articulation better out

Sheet music for Prelude, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Menuets & Gigue transcribed to D major
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